
This toolkit includes 3 types of resources:
1. Knowledge (to provide selective and concise information on the context or key concepts related to refugee integration).
2. Methods (processes that can be implemented to improve refugees' access to employment).
3. Tools (which support the chosen methods or which can be used separately for training and job coaching).

There are 3 possibilities to find the resources you need:
1. By browsing this page you will get an overview of all the resources available.
2. By using the search bar with keywords.
3. By selecting filters: What is the purpose of the resource? What is the main topic covered? Who will use it?



Filtrer resultaterne ved hjælp af nedenstående knapper ↓


  • At forklare fordelene ved video CV
  • En vejledning for hvordan man producerer et video CV
  • At inddrage både forventninger og prioriteter for flytninge og nytilkomne 
  • At guide profesionelle og frivillige i hvordan man inkorporere flygtninges baggrund.


  • At forstå hvilke fremtidsmuligheder man har
  • At definere de nødvendige trin mod målet 
  • At forberede profesionelle på at kunne støtte op om migranter der har psykiske, kognitive eller opførselsudfordringer.